Tuesday 16 October 2012



1.1. Latar belakang
Pendidikan nasional berfungsi untuk mengembangkan kemampuan serta meningkatkan mutu kehidupan dan martabat manusia Indonesia dalam rangka upaya mewujudkan tujuan nasional. Pendidikan nasional bertujuan mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa dan mengembangkan manusia Indonesia seutuhnya, yaitu manusia yang beriman dan bertaqwa terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan berbudi pekerti luhur memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan, kesehatan jasmani dan rohani, kepribadian yang mantap dan mandiri serta rasa tanggung jawab kemasyarakatan dan kebangsaan.
Berdasarkan fungsi dan tujuan pendidikan tersebut maka setiap warga negara memiliki hak untuk mendapatkan pendidikan. Seperti tertuang dalam UU No. 2 tahun 1989 pasal 5 bahwa setiap warga negara mempunyai hak yang sama untuk memperoleh pendidikan. Dengan demikian orang-orang yang menderita cacat atau kelainan juga mendapatkan perlindungan hak. Seperti tertuang pada pasal 8 ayat (1) UU No. 2 tahun 1989 disebutkan bahwa warga negara yang memiliki kelainan fisik dan atau mental berhak memperoleh Pendidikan Luar Biasa (PLB).Namun dalam kenyataan prosentase anak cacat yang mendapatkan layanan pendidikan jumlahnya amat sedikit. Serta pasal 5 ayat (2) juga disebutkan bahwa “Setiap warga yang memiliki kelainan fisik, mental, sosial, intelektual dan atau sosial berhak memperoleh pendidikan khusus”.Dengan kata lain perkembangan manusia ada yang wajar atau normal dan ada pula yang perkembangannya terganggu (abnormal) yang akan berpengaruh terhadap mental dan jasmani. Sehingga dalam permasalahan pendidikan, tidak ada perbedaan antara anak yang normal perkembangan jasmani dan rohaninya, dengan anak yang mengalami kecacatan fisik, seperti anak yang mengalami kelemahan mental atau sering disebut Tunagrahita. Hal ini dikarenakan masih adanya hambatan pada pola pikir masyarakat kita yang mengabaikan potensi anak cacat. Pada umumnya masyarakat memandang kecacatan (disability) sebagai penghalang (handicap) untuk berbuat sesuatu. Telah banyak bukti bahwa orang cacat mampu melakukan sesuatu dengan berhasil. Pada hakikatnya kecacatan seseorang bukanlah merupakan penghalang untuk melakukan sesuatu.
Anak tunagrahita adalah anak yang mempunyai kemampuan intelektual dibawah rata-rata. Anak tunagrahita memiliki keterbatasan intelegensi, terutama yang bersifat abstrak seperti belajar dan berhitung, menulis dan membaca. Kemampuan belajarnya cenderung tanpa pengertian atau cenderung belajar dengan membeo. Disamping memiliki keterbatasan intelegensi, anak tunagrahita juga memiliki kesulitan dalam mengurus diri sendiri dalam masyarakat. Selain itu, juga memiliki keterbatasan dalam penguasaan bahasa. Oleh karena itu berdasarkan UU diatas setiap orang berhak atas pendidikan.

1.2. Rumusan Masalah
Berdasarkan dari latar belakang diatas maka dalam hal ini penulis mengambil rumusan masalah sebagai berikut.
1.      Bagaimana cara menangani anak tuna grahita?
2.      Upaya apa saja yang dilakukan pendidik dalam meningkatkan pembinaan penjas atau olahraga bagi anak tuna grahita?
1.3.   Tujuan atau Manfaat
2.      Tujuan
a.       Untuk mengetahui upaya pembelajaran pembinaan penjas bagi anak cacat tuna grahita
b.      Untuk mengetahui tingkat kesulitan pembelajaran penjas atau olahraga bagi penyandang cacat tuna grahita
c.       Untuk mengetahui cara pemberian pembelajaran bagi penyandang cacat tuna grahita.
3.      Manfaat
a.       Menjadi sebuah masukan pengetahuan bagi kami yang sedang belajar di jurusan penjaskes.
b.      Sebagia masukan yang penting khususnya bagi penulis sendiri dan bagi khalayak umum.


2.1.   Pembinaan Olahraga
Pembinaan olahraga atau penjas telah diatur dalam UU No 3 tentang Keolahragaan Nasional dalam pasal 1ayat 8 yaitu : pembinaan olahraga adalah orang yang memiliki minat dan pengetahuan, kepemimpinan, kemampuan manajerial dan pendanaan yang didedikasikan untuk pembinaan dan pengembangan olahraga. Dari hal tersebut bahwa pembinaan oleh seorang guru bagi anak harus benar-benar didedikasikan sepenuhnya bagi perkembangan si anak, tak terkecuali dengan ALB.
Perbedaaan penanganan pembinaan anak yang normal dan yang ALB sangatlah berbeda dalam pemberian materi maupun pembelajaran olahraga. Misalkan bagi anak tuna grahita dalam pemberian pembinaan pembelajaran penjas atau olahraga perlu kesabaran yang tinggi dan perlu penanganan secara terpadu serta adanya sutu pendekatan.
2.2.    Anak Cacat Tuna Grahita
Keterbelakangan mental yang biasa dikenal dengan anak tuna grahita biasa dihubungkan dengan tingkat kecerdasan seseorang. Tunagrahita memiliki arti menjelaskan kondisi anak yang kecerdasannya jauh dibawah rata-rata dan ditandai oleh keterbatasan intelegensi dan ketidak cakapan dalam interaksi sosial. Anak tunagrahita atau dikenal juga dengan istilah keterbelakangan mental karena keterbatasan kecerdasannya mengakibatkan dirinya sukar untuk mengikuti program pendidikan di sekolah biasa secara klasikal, oleh karena itu anak keterbelakangan mental membutuhkan layanan pendidikan secara khusus yakni disesuaikan dengan kemampuan anak tersebut. Tingkat kecerdasan secara umum bagi anak tuna grahita biasanya diukur lewat tes Intelegensi yang hasilnya disebut dengan IQ.


3.1. Karakteristik Pendidikan Bagi Anak Tuna Grahita
                        Anak tunagrahita adalah anak yang mempunyai kemampuan intelektual dibawah rata-rata. Anak tunagrahita memiliki keterbatasan intelegensi, terutama yang bersifat abstrak seperti belajar dan berhitung, menulis dan membaca. Kemampuan belajarnya cenderung tanpa pengertian atau cenderung belajar dengan membeo. Disamping memiliki keterbatasan intelegensi, anak tunagrahita juga memiliki kesulitan dalam mengurus diri sendiri dalam masyarakat. Selain itu, juga memiliki keterbatasan dalam penguasaan bahasa.
Keterbatasan lain yang dimiliki anak tunagrahita yaitu kurang mampu untuk mempertimbangkan sesuatu,kurang dapat merespon dan menangkap suatu materi. Sehingga kurikulum yang digunakan tunagrahita adalah kurikulum sekolah reguler (kurikulum nasional) yang dimodofikasi (diimprovisasi) sesuai dengan tahap perkembangan anak berkebutuhan khusus, dengan mempertimbangkan karakteristik (ciri-ciri) dan tingkat kecerdasannya. Modifikasi kurikulum pendidikan penjas adaptif dilakukan terhadap: alokasi waktu, isi/materi kurikulum, proses belajar-mengajar, sarana prasarana, lingkungan belajar, dan pengelolaan kelas. Dengan ini, maka diharapkan mereka akan mendapatkan sejumlah pengalaman baru yang kelak dapat dikembangkan anak guna melengkapi bekal hidup. Mengingat kondisi peserta didik yang memiliki keterbatasan intelegensi dan juga keterbatasan lainnya, dan juga pentingnya pendidikan. Maka dari hal tersebut bahwa pentingnya pendidikan untuk anak tuna grahita termasuk  pendidikan motorik anak dalam olahraga, Serta yang perlu di perhatikan adalah karakteristiknya (Modul Depdiknas: 2007), seperti:
a.       Dalam belajar keterampilan membaca, keterampilan motorik, keterampilan lainnya adalah sama seperti anak normal pada umumnya.
b.      Perbedaan tuna grahita dalam mempelajari keterampilan terletak pada karakteristik belajarnya.
c.       Perbedaaan karakteristik belajar pada anak tuna grahita ada dalam tiga daerah yaitu;
1.      Tingkat kemahirannya dalam keterampilan tersebut.
2.      Generalisasi dan transfer keterampilan yang baru diperoleh.
3.      Perhatiannya terhadap tugas..
Adapun Karakteristik atau ciri-ciri anak tunagrahita dapat dilihat dari segi,
1.Fisik (Penampilan)
Ø  Hampir sama dengan anak normal
Ø  Kematangan motorik lambat
Ø  Koordinasi gerak kurang
Ø  Anak tunagrahita berat dapat kelihatan
Ø  Sulit mempelajari hal-hal akademik.
Ø  Anak tunagrahita ringan, kemampuan belajarnya paling tinggi setaraf anak normal usia 12 tahun dengan IQ antara 50 – 70.
Ø  Anak tunagrahita sedang kemampuan belajarnya paling tinggi setaraf anak normal usia 7, 8 tahun IQ antara 30 – 50
Ø  Anak tunagrahita berat kemampuan belajarnya setaraf anak normal usia 3 – 4 tahun, dengan IQ 30 ke bawah.
3.Sosial dan Emosi
Ø  Bergaul dengan anak yang lebih muda.
Ø  Suka menyendiri
Ø  Mudah dipengaruhi
Ø  Kurang dinamis
Ø  Kurang pertimbangan/kontrol diri
Ø  Kurang konsentrasi
Ø  Mudah dipengaruhi
Ø  Tidak dapat memimpin dirinya maupun orang lain.

3.2.            Pendekatan Pembelajaran Penjas Adaptip Bagi Anak ALB
Penjas adaptif berperan penting dalam keberhasilan anak mengikuti proses pendidikan. Program Penjas adaptif memiliki cirri yang berbeda dengan pendidikan jasmani biasanya yaitu programnya disesuaikan dengan kelainan anak, programnya mengarah kepada perbaikan dan koreksi kelainan, dan programnya mengarah kepada pengembangan dan peningkatan jasmani individu siswa. Supaya program pengajaran atau pembinaandapat diikuti bagi anak ALB (tuna grahita)  maka perlu adanya modifikasi dalam setiap aspek pembelajaran. Adapun modifikasi program pembelajarannya secara umum adalah sebagai berikut:
a.       Kurikulumnya baik secara perubahan total maupun perubahan sebagian dari kurikulum.
b.      Strategi belajarnya dapat dig anti atau di sesuaikan berdasarkan sutu kondisi dan sikon yang memungkinkan.
c.       Medianya (materi dan alat) yang digunakan di sesuaikan bagi anak tuna grahita.
d.      Pengaturan kelasnya, disini sangat penting karena perlunya suatu teknik mengajar yang sesuai dengan anak tuna grahita atau anak ALB lainnya
e.       Lingkungan atau sarana fisik yang dapat menunjang bagi pemberian suatu pembinaan penjas.
Adapun pendekatan  pengajaran bagi anak tuna grahita atau ALB lainya yaitu:
a.       Pengajaran klasikal diberikan kepada anak tuna grahita atau ALB lainnya yang memiliki tingkat akademis normal dan sama dalam satu kelas, sehingga kegiatan dan materinya sama dalam satu kelas.
b.      Pengajaran individual adalah pengajaran yang diberikan orang-perorang dari anak ALB.
c.       Individualisasi pengajarannya adalah pendekatan dalam kelas akan tetapi setiap anak memiliki sutu program sesuai dengan tingkat pencapaian dalam belajar.
d.   Memberikan pembelajaran dengan metode inklusi.
3.3.            Pembelajaran Penjas Atau Olahraga Bagi Anak Tuna Grahita
Dalam penyelenggaraan program pendidikan jasmani hendaknya mencerminkan karakteristik program pendidikan jasmani itu sendiri, yaitu “ Developentally Appropriate Practice” (DAP). Artinya bahwa tugas ajar yang disampaikan harus memerhatikan perubahan kemampuan atau kondisi anak, dan dapat membantu mendorong kearah perubahan tersebut. Dengan demikian tugas ajar tersebut harus sesuai dengan tingkat perkembangan dan tingkat kematangan anak didik yang diajarnya. Perkembangan atau kematangan yang dimaksud mencakup fisik, psikis maupun keterampilannya.
Dengan pendidikan jasmani atau olahraga yang diadaptasi dan dimodifikasi sesuai kebutuhan jenis kelainan dan tingkat kemampuan albmerupakan salah satu factor yang sangat menentukan dalam keberhasilan pendidikan olahraga atau penjas bagi anak yang berkelainan termasuk tuna grahita.  pendidikan jasmani adaftif merukpakan suatu system penyampaian layanan yang bersifat menyeluruh (komprehensif) dan dirancang untuk mengetahui, menemukan pemecahan masalah bagi anak ALB. Adapun cirri dari program penjas adaptif antara lain:
a.       program penjas addaptif disesuaikan dengan jenis dan karakteristik kelainan siswa.
b.      Program pengajaran penjas adaptif harus dapat membantu dan mengkoreksi kelainan yang disandang oleh siswa.
c.       Program pengajaran penjas adaptif harus dapat mengembangkan dan meningkatkan kemampuan jasmani individu.
Untuk pembinaan anak tuna grahita dalam penjas atau olahraga dapat dilihat dari hal di atas serta adanya suatu perombakan dalam program pembelajaran. Anak tuna grahita biasanya kurang cepat dalam menerima atau merespon dari apa yang dipelajarinya atau dilakukannya.


4.1. Kesimpulan
Pada dasaarnya anak tuna grahita itu sama dengan anak yang normal dalam segi motoriknya akan tetapi anak  tuna grahita atau disebut keterbelakangan mental memiliki kelambatan dalam belajar. Program penjas adaptif sangatlah membantu bagi anak tuna grahita dengan pengajaran yang tepat maka pendidikan olahraga akan mengenai sasarannya. Modifikasi kurikulum pendidikan penjas adaptif dilakukan terhadap: alokasi waktu, isi/materi kurikulum, proses belajar-mengajar, sarana prasarana, lingkungan belajar, dan pengelolaan kelas.
4.2. Saran
Anak tuna grahita bukan momok yang harus dikucilkan dalam pembelajaran penjas disekolah maupun temannya dan masyarakat bahkan mereka harus mendapatkan perhatian yang lebih terkhusus untuk mendapatkan pendidikan yang layak seperti halnya anak yang normal lainnya.
Sehingga diperlukan lembaga khusus yang menangani anak tuna laras. Peserta didik yang menyandang kelainan demikian juga memperoleh pendidikan yang layak, sebagaimana diamanatkan dalam Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 yang dalam hal ini menyatakan dengan singkat dan jelas bahwa “Tiap-tiap warga negara berhak mendapatkan pengajaran” yang ditegaskan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional yang menyatakan bahwa “Warga Negara yang memiliki kelainan fisik, emosional, mental, intelektual, dan atau sosial berhak memperoleh pendidikan khusus”.

Depdiknas. 2007. Diklat pembekalan guru kelas/ agama SD mata pelajaran penjas. Jawa barat

Anatomy of Larynx

A. Larynx 
1. Anatomy of Larynx

The larynx (throat) is located in front of the lowest part of the pharynx that separates the vertebrae column, running from the pharynx to the height of the cervical vertebrae and into the trachea below.

The larynx is composed of cartilage pieces are tied together by ligaments and membranes. The largest of which is the thyroid cartilage, and next depannyaterdapat subcutaneous lumps known as the Adam's apple, which is next to the front of the neck. The larynx consists of two plates or laminae continued in the midline. On the top edge there is a curve of the form V. Cricoid cartilage lies below the thyroid, shaped like a signet ring with the signet ring on the back (this is the only cartilage that forms a complete circle). Other cartilage is the cartilage aritenoid two towering in the back of cricoid, and the right and left cartilage and cartilage kuneiform kornikulata, very small.

Linked at the top of the thyroid cartilage are the epiglottis, which form cartilage valves and help close the larynx during swallowing.2. Physiology of Larynx

Base of the throat or larynx is an air duct and acts as a sound formation.

The larynx is lined with mucous membrane, except the vocal cords and the epiglottis which is lined by epithelial cells plated. This vocal numbered two: at the top of the vocal cords is false and not make a sound called ventrikularis, at the bottom is a true vocal sounds that form the so-called vocalists, there are two muscles. By the movement of two ototini the vocal cords can vibrate the vocal cords so (rhymes glotidis) can expand and shrink, so here it becomes noise.

Vocal cords in the larynx is next, running from the thyroid cartilage in the front next to the cartilage in both aritenoid. With the movement of aritenoid cartilage caused by various laryngeal muscles, vocal cords tightened or loosened. Thus, the width between the bands or rhyme glottidis, fickle as breathing and talking.

Because vibration bands caused air through the glottis resulting sound. Various laryngeal muscles involved in controlling noise, and also cover the holes on the larynx during swallowing.

The process of establishment of a sound: the sound formation is the result of collaboration between the oral cavity, nasal cavity, larynx, tongue and lips. The vocal cords are not fake muscles, therefore the vocal cords can not vibrate, just between the two vocal cords was penetrated by the air flow and thyroid cartilage cartilage form beaker was rotated. As a result, the vocal cords can be tightened and loosened with interrupted air thus becomes narrow or broad.

This movement is also aided by the laryngeal muscles, air exhaled from the lungs and vocal cords vibrate. Vibration is transmitted through the air out - go. The difference in a person's voice depends on the thickness and length of the vocal cords. Male vocal cords are much thicker than women's vocal cords

B. Esophagus1. Anatomy of the esophagusThe esophagus is a muscular tube length sampi twenty twenty-five centimeters above starting from the pharynx to the entrance of the cardiac stomach. Located behind the trachea and in front of the spine. After passing through the diaphragm torax, to enter into the abdomen and connects to the stomach.Esophagus walled four layers. In the outer layer consists of loose connective tissue, the muscle layer that consists of two layers of muscle fibers, which is another one running longitudinaldan circular, a submucosal layer and in the inside there is a mucous membrane (mucosa).2. Esophageal Physiology

Swallowing done after chewing, and can be described in three phases: the movement of food into a bolus form with the help of tongue and cheek, and through the back of the mouth into the pharynx.

Once the food into the pharynx then palatumlunak up to close the posterior nares, glottis closes by contraction of the muscles, and pharyngeal constrictor muscle catch food and pushed her inside the esophagus. At this time the breathing stops, if not makaakan choke. People can not swallow and breathe at the same time. Swallowing movements in this section is a reflex movement.

Food goes in the esophagus due to work peristaltic, circular muscle fibers on the food front and behind the loosened food contract. Then deliver the ball peristaltic wave of food into the stomach.

The second and third phase of swallowing movements do not happen on their own, while the first phase of their own though mostly walked automatic.

Esophagus can develop cardio-spasm or akhalasia, caused by the failure of motor function in the form of loss of peristaltic movements in the lower esophagus and cardiac failure afinkter to loosen. The main symptoms are dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) and regurgitation.3. Figure esophagus


REFERENCESPearce Evelyn.C, 2006, Anatomy and Physiology for Paramedics, Jakarta: PT Scholastic Press.Syaifuddin, Drs. H, 2006, Anatomy Physiology for Nursing Students, Jakarta: EGC

Monday 15 October 2012

CHILDREN TUNA mentally disabled

1.1. Background
National education serves to develop skills and enhance the quality of life and human dignity Indonesia in order to achieve national goals. National education aims at educating the nation and developed a complete Indonesian man, the man who is faithful and devoted to God Almighty and noble character have the knowledge and skills, physical and spiritual health, stable and self-reliant personality and sense of civic responsibility and nationality.
Based on the function and purpose of education is that every citizen has the right to education. As stipulated in Law no. 2 of 1989 Article 5 that every citizen has an equal right to education. Thus people who suffer from disabilities or abnormalities also get protection. As stipulated in Article 8, paragraph (1) Law no. 2 of 1989 stated that citizens who have physical and or mental disorders are entitled to an Extraordinary Education (PLB). Yet in reality the percentage of children with disabilities receive educational services numbers very slightly. As well as Article 5, paragraph (2) also states that "Every citizen who has a physical, mental, social, intellectual and social or entitled to special education." In other words there is a reasonable human development or some are normal and impaired development (abnormal ) that will affect the mental and physical. Thus, in issues of education, there is no difference between a normal child physical and spiritual development, with children who have physical disabilities, such as children who have mental weakness or often called Tunagrahita. This is because there is still a drag on our society mindset that ignores the potential of children with disabilities. In general, society views disability (disability) as a barrier (handicap) to do something. It has been a lot of evidence that people with disabilities are able to do something successfully. In essence, a person's disability is not a barrier to doing something.
Children are children who have mental retardation intellectual ability is below average. Children's mental retardation have limited intelligence, particularly the abstract such as learning and numeracy, writing and reading. Ability likely without understanding or learning tend to learn by parroting. Besides having limited intelligence, mental retardation children also have difficulty in taking care of yourself in public. Moreover, it also has limitations in language acquisition. Therefore, based on the Act on any person the right to education.
1.2. Problem Formulation
Based on the background above, so in this case I take the formulation of the problem as follows.
1. How to deal with mentally disabled children tuna?
2. What is being done to improve education or sports coaching for children penjas tuna mentally disabled?
1.3. Purpose or benefit
2. Destination
a. To find a learning development of children with disabilities tuna penjas mentally disabled
b. To determine the level of learning difficulty penjas or tuna sport for mentally disabled
c. To find out how the provision of learning for mentally disabled tuna.
3. Benefit
a. Become an input of knowledge for us who are studying in the department penjaskes.
b. As our input is particularly important for the authors themselves and for the public.
2.1. Sports Coaching
Sports coaching or penjas been stipulated in Law No. 3 of the National Sports 1ayat in article 8 are: sports coaching is a person who has an interest and knowledge, leadership, managerial skills and funding dedicated to the promotion and development of sports. From this guidance by a teacher that the child must be completely dedicated solely to the development of the child, not to mention the ALB.
Differences in the handling of normal child development and the FFA are very different in the provision of learning materials as well as exercise. Suppose for tuna mentally disabled children in the provision of sports coaching or teaching penjas need patience and need to be integrated as well as the handling of a performance approach.
2.2. Children with Disabilities Tuna Grahita
Mental retardation commonly known as mentally normal hearing children associated with the level of intelligence. Tunagrahita explain the child's condition means that intelligence is far below average and is characterized by limited intelligence and lack of conversation in social interaction. Children's mental retardation or also known as mental retardation due to limited intelligence lead him difficult to follow the ordinary school education programs in the traditional fashion, therefore mentally retarded children need special education services that is tailored to the abilities of the child. The general level of intelligence of the child mentally tuna Intelligence tests are typically measured by the results called IQ.
3.1. Characteristics of Education for Children Tuna Grahita

Children are children who have mental retardation intellectual ability is below average. Children's mental retardation have limited intelligence, particularly the abstract such as learning and numeracy, writing and reading. Ability likely without understanding or learning tend to learn by parroting. Besides having limited intelligence, mental retardation children also have difficulty in taking care of yourself in public. Moreover, it also has limitations in language acquisition.
Another limitation children have mental retardation are less able to consider anything, less able to respond to and capture the material. So the curriculum is used tunagrahita regular school curriculum (National Curriculum) that dimodofikasi (improvised) in accordance with the stage of development of children with special needs, taking into account the characteristics (traits) and level of intelligence. Curriculum modifications made to the adaptive penjas: time allocation, content / curriculum, teaching and learning processes, facilities, learning environment, and classroom management. With this, it is expected that they will get a new experience that would be developed to complement the child's life provision. Given the condition of the students who have limited intelligence and other limitations as well, and also the importance of education. Thus it is that the importance of education for children with hearing and mentally disabled children, including education in motor sport, And to note is the characteristic (MONE Module: 2007), such as:
a. In learning reading skills, motor skills, other skills are the same as normal children in general.
b. Differences in learning the skills of mentally disabled tuna lies in learning characteristics.
c. Differences in the characteristics of learning in children tuna mentally there in three areas namely;
1. Level of expertise in that skill.
2. Generalization and transfer their newly acquired skills.
3. Attention to the task ..
The characteristic or characteristics of children can be seen in terms of mental retardation,
1.Fisik (Appearance)
Ø Almost same as normal children
Ø Maturity slow motor
Ø Coordination less motion
Ø Children can look severe mental retardation
Ø It is difficult to learn academic stuff.
Ø Children mild mental retardation, learning ability equal highest normal children 12 years of age with an IQ between 50-70.
Ø Children's mental retardation was the most high learning ability equal normal children ages 7, 8 year IQ between 30-50
Ø Children severe mental retardation learning abilities equal normal children aged 3-4 years, with an IQ of 30 and below.
3.Sosial and Emotions
Ø Hang out with the younger children.
Ø Love alone
Ø Easily influenced
Ø Less dynamic
Ø Less consideration / self control
Ø Lack of concentration
Ø Easily influenced
Ø Unable to lead themselves and others.
3.2. Penjas Adaptive Learning Approach for Children ALB
Penjas adaptive instrumental in the success of the child through the process of education. Penjas adaptive program has different characteristics of the physical education program is usually tailored to the child's disorder, the program leads to improvement and correction of abnormalities, and the program led to the development and improvement of physical individual student. So that teaching programs for children or pembinaandapat followed ALB (tuna mentally) it is necessary to modify in every aspect of learning. The modification of the learning programs in general are as follows:
a. The curriculum change either total or partial change of the curriculum.
b. Learning strategies can dig anti or adjusted based on a performance and sikon conditions allow.
c. Media (material and equipment) used in the match for tuna mentally disabled children.
d. Classroom setting, here is very important because the need for an appropriate teaching technique tuna mentally disabled child or other children ALB
e. Environment or infrastructure to support the delivery of a coaching penjas.
The teaching approach for mentally disabled children or ALB tuna others are:
a. Classical teaching given to children or mentally disabled ALB tuna that have normal academic level and in the same class, so that activities and materials together in one class.
b. Individualized teaching is the teaching given of individuals from children ALB.
c. Individualized teaching approach in the classroom is but every child will have a performance program in accordance with the level of achievement in learning.
d. Providing inclusive learning methods.
3.3. Learning penjas Sports For Kids Or Tuna Grahita
In the implementation of physical education programs should reflect the characteristics of the physical education program itself, which is "Developentally Appropriate Practice" (DAP). This means that the task of teaching delivered should notice changes in the ability or the child's condition, and may help lead to such changes. Thus the task of teaching shall be in accordance with the level of development and maturity levels of the students he teaches. Development or maturity that encompasses physical, psychological and skills.
With physical education or sports, adapted and modified according to the needs of the type and level of ability albmerupakan disorder one of the factors that determine the success or penjas physical education for children with disabilities, including hearing and mentally. physical education adaftif merukpakan a service delivery system that is comprehensive (comprehensive) and is designed to discover, find solutions to problems for children ALB. The hallmark of adaptive penjas program include:
a. addaptif penjas program tailored to the type and characteristics of the student disorders.
b. Penjas adaptive teaching program should be able to help and correct abnormalities carried by students.
c. Penjas adaptive teaching program should be able to develop and enhance individual physical abilities.
For tuna coaching mentally disabled children in penjas or sport can be seen from the above as well as the presence of a reshuffle in the learning program. Tuna mentally disabled child is usually less rapid than in receiving or responding to what he learned or done.
4.1. Conclusion
In dasaarnya tuna mentally disabled children was similar to normal children in terms of their motor going but the child mentally or tuna called mental retardation have a slowness in learning. Penjas adaptive program is helpful for hearing and mentally disabled children with the proper teaching physical education will hit the target. Curriculum modifications made to the adaptive penjas: time allocation, content / curriculum, teaching and learning processes, facilities, learning environment, and classroom management.
4.2. Suggestion
Tuna mentally disabled child is not a scourge that must be isolated in the learning penjas school and friends and even people they should get more attention particularly in view to get a proper education like any other normal child.
So that required a special institution dealing with children tuna barrel. Learners who bears abnormalities as well as obtain a decent education, as mandated by the Constitution of 1945, which in this case briefly and clearly states that "Every citizen shall have the right to get teaching" is defined in Law No. 20 of 2003 Education System which states that "Citizens who have physical, emotional, mental, intellectual, and social or entitled to special education."

Psychology of Sport & Exercise Psychology

Psychology of Sport & Exercise Psychology
Monty P.Satiadarma | Faculty of Psychology, University of Tarumanagara JakartaAlthough Weinberg and Gould (1995) gives a similar view on the psychology of sport and exercise psychology (exercise psychology), because a lot of similarities in approaches, several other researchers (Anshel, 1997; Seraganian, 1993; Willis & Campbell, 1992) are more explicit distinguish the exercise psychology sport psychology. Weinberg and Gould (1995) suggested that the psychology of sport and exercise psychology has two basic objectives:learn how psychological factors affect individual physical performanceunderstanding how participation in sport and exercise affect individual development, including health and welfare of his lifeIn addition, they argue that sports psychology is specifically directed to:assist professionals in helping athletes achieve peak starhelp children, people with disabilities and older people to live fitterexamine the psychological factors in exercise activities andutilize the training activity as a therapeutic tool, for example for the treatment of depression (Weinberg & Gould, 1995).Although the difference is not clear, Weiberg and Gould (1995) have attempted to explain that sports psychology is not the same as exercise psychology. But in practice it usually does happen complementary, and the relation of the so tightly that it becomes difficult to separate. But Seraganian (1993) and Willis and Campbell (1992) argued more forcefully that traditional sport psychology research and practice focused on psychophysiological relationships such as somatic responsiveness affects cognition, emotion and performance. While exercise psychology focused on cognitive aspects, situational and psychophysiological that influence the behavior of the perpetrator, not assessing an athlete's sports performance. The topics in psychology such exercises include the effects of physical activity on emotional actor and a tendency (disposition) psychology, reasons to participate or stop the exercise activities, personal changes as a result of improvements in upper body exercise results and others (Anshel, 1997).It is clear now that sports psychology is directed that the perpetrators prestatif ability to be competitive, that is, actors exercise, particularly athletes, directing its activities to achieve a particular sport to compete, for example, to win. While psychology laithan more focused on efforts to discuss issues impact exercise activity to private life the culprit. In other words, sports psychology more focused on the social aspects of being a rival, while the exercise psychology more focused on individual aspects of the effort to improve the welfare of psychophysical culprit.Nevertheless, these two areas are so difficult to be separated, because the individual is in a social context and social formed by the individuals. In addition, both of these areas involves psychophysical aspects of activity similar to the activity, and perhaps just a different intensity, just because of the competition factor in sports.History of Sport Psychology in IndonesiaSo, on the one hand a practitioner licensed psychologist who practices do not necessarily have enough knowledge of sports science, on the other hand, experts are not equipped with the special education sports psychotherapy and counseling. Consequently, until now there is still confusion about who actually has the right to provide social services in the field of sport psychology. Ideally, a consultant or a psychotherapist getting special training in the field of sports; thus as a practitioner he remained on the ground professinya by following ethical guidelines in force, and in addition it is also sufficient to support knowledge keolahragaannya formal education background.In an attempt to overcome this problem IPO as a national sport psychology association is working to make provision duties and responsibilities of its members. In addition, the IPO also working to arrange additional curriculum for psychologists certification programs for practitioners who want to provide social services in the field of sport psychology. The curriculum is a form of exercise psychology specialization include: 1) The principle of sport psychology, 2) Improved performance in sport, 3) applied sport psychology, 4) Psychology gymnastics.Another problem often arises in the handling aspects of sports psychology is to determine the main client. For instance, psychologists service users can be an athlete, coach, or administrator. To whom psychologists should provide primary care in the event of such a gap between the athletes and officials, but a psychologist hired by the board to deal with athletes, and athletes at the time was the psychology service users. On the one hand, psychologists need to maintain the confidentiality of athletes, on the other hand, the board may be urged psychologists to describe the personality of athletes publicly for the sake of the organization. Sachs (1993) offers a variety of possibilities, such as implementing a written agreement to provide information, and yet, if the athletes know that private organizations will be taken into consideration, it may tend to behave defensively, making an attempt to obtain information about him will fail. Therefore, a psychologist should be able to act wisely in dealing with this issue, as well, should a coach who often act as consultants to athletes often must be able to consideration for a similar tackle.
Athletes, Coaches, & EnvironmentAthletes, coaches and the environment are three aspects are related to each other in discussing the psychology of sport and exercise psychology. The term is not limited to the individual athlete who works as a sportsman, but also generally includes individuals who participate in sports. Coaches must be distinguished from mere instructors, as coaches not only teach athletes how to perform certain exercise movements, but also educate athletes to provide the appropriate response in behavior inside and outside the gym. The environment is not limited to purely physical environment but also the social environment, including living environment where athletes live.Athletes, coaches and the environment are the three aspects that constitute a unity that determines athletic performance. Atlethic term performance rather difficult to translate because it is a specific term that can not be equated with such behavior means athletic.
AthleteAn athlete is an individual who is unique. He has a flair of its own, distinctive patterns of behavior and personality and background specifically affecting life in him. Although in some sports athletes have to do it in groups or teams, considering that an athlete as a unique individual who needs to be fixed premises. Because, for example, in a team sport, individual adaptive ability to perform teamwork crucial role later in the group.Sesuatui is impossible to generalize the ability of athletes to each other, because each individual has a talent of each. Talents of the individual athlete is the one who truly deserves to be special attention so that it can exploit its potential to the maximum available.However, the uniqueness of the individual is often misdiagnosed as an athlete misbehavior (Anshel, 1997). For example, tennis player John McEnroe used to rouse angry behavior. But for those who do not understand this have a tendency to assume McEnroe temper. The problem is likely to disrupt the opponent's angry behavior tandingnya so it is perceived as something less sporty to bring down an enemy tandingnya. Similarly, Monica Seles Groans are often reprimanded for hitting the ball hard at the time, but actually it was a unique behavior, and the absence of specific rules to prohibit it, Seles did not actually commit any offense. It is also mistakenly assume that every athlete needs input from the coach on the eve of the match. Because there are more athletes cendeung prefer to be alone than accompanied by others. So, every athlete has the characteristic of each, and can not be done leveling in approaching athletes. Things like this is what needs to be understood by the coaches in developing his athletes. Unique because it is they who enable them to achieve peak. While they are classified as "normal" is just a proven record of normal (ordinary) alone.
CoachCoach, as mentioned above, is not just a gym instructor tells athletes ways to perform certain movements dala sports. Coach is also a role model, teacher, counselor, educator, leader, and would even be a figure model for athletes. Coaches themselves are also likely to imitate another coach or trainer who trains her senior. There is an alien who say "monkey see, monkey do", meaning what they see, that's what worked.

Friday 7 September 2012



Mata Pelajaran : PENJASKES
Kelas : I (Satu) 
Nama :…………… ……………. 

 Berilah tanda silang (X) pada jawaban a, b, dan c yang dianggap benar! 
 1.  Sikap duduk, badan harus… 
      a. bersandar ke kanan b. bersandar ke kanan c. tegak 
2.   Untuk membersihkan gigi kita menggunakan…. 
      a. pasta gigi b. sabun mandi c. sabun cuci 
3.   Ketika ada sampah berserakan apa yang akan kalian lakukan…
      a . membirkannya b. membersihkannya c. hanya melihatnya 
4.   Sebelum melakukan gerakan inti pada senam, biasanya dilakukan terlebih dahulu gerakan…. 
      a. pendinginan b. push up c. pemanasan 
5.   Ketika berolah raga siswa pakaian yang digunakan adalah… 
       a. olah raga b. seragam c. batik 
6.   Alat yang digunakan untuk berlari lompat tali adalah… 
      a. tali b. bola c. rafia 
7.   Bila melakukan senam irama harus diiringi dengan… 
      a. tiupan pluit b. musik c. tepuk tangan 
8.   Saat berlari sebaiknya tangan… 
      a. diam saja b. diatas kepala c. diayunkan seirama dengan langkah kaki 
9.   Ketika menangkap bola sebaiknya dengan menggunakan… 
      a. kedua tangan b. satu tangan c. kaki 
10. Orang yang memimpin wasit dalam pertandingan disebut… 
      a. penonton b. pemain c. wasit 
11. Bernafas dalam air dilakukan melalui… 
      a. hidung b. mulut c. telinga 
12. Untuk menendang bola kita harus menggunakan anggota tubuh bagian… 
      a. kaki b. tangan c. kepala 
13. Melempar bola kita menggunakan anggota badan bagian… 
      a. kaki b. tangan c. kepala 
14. Untuk melatih otot bagian kaki yang harus dilakukan adalah… 
      a. berlari b. push up c. mendorong gerobak 
15. Sikap berlari badan harus condong ke… 
    a. depan b. samping c. belakang 


Mata Pelajaran  : PENJASKES                                                      
Tanggal             :…………………………
 Kelas               : III (Tiga)                                                                                  
Nama                :…………… …………….
I. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada jawaban a, b, dan c yang dianggap benar! 

1. Garis pertama yang di gunakan untuk memulai berlari adalah......
     a. lintasan b. finis c. start 
2. Memberikan bola kepada teman pada saat pertandingan sepak bola disebut…… 
     a. mengoper b. menembak c. menghentikan 
3. Menendang bola kearah gawang lawan disebut .........
     a. mengoper b. menembak c. menghentikan 
 4. Apabila akan menendang bola arah pandangan mata tertuju kearah…….. 
    a. yang dituju b. kaki lawan c. kesamping 
 5. Ventilasi pada rumah sehat berguna sebagai saluran keluar masuk…… 
    a. angin b. cahaya c. udara 
6. Udara yang tercemar asap dapat mengganggu kesehatan ….. 
    a. mata dan pernpasan b. mata dan kulit c. kulit dan pernapasan 
7. Pada saat jajan disekolah sebaiknya dilakukan di…… 
   a. warung pinggir jalan b. pedagang keliling c.warung sekolah 
8. Pada saat akan menangkap bola posisi kedua tangan adalah….. 
    a. mengepal b. terpisah c. menyatu terbuka 
9. Pada saat akan dilambungkan, bola dipegang dengan posisi telapak tangan …. 
      a. terbuka b. tertutup c. mengepal
10. Sampah yang tidak dapat hancur dalam tanah adalah …..
      a. daun-daunan b. plastik c. kertas
11. Salah satu syarat rumah sehat adalah……
      a. banyak pintunya b. mahal harganya c. memiliki ventilasi
12. Yang termasuk gerak teknik dasar dalam permainan bola voli adalah…..
      a. jalan b. lari c. servis
13. Apabila bola ditendang pada bagian bawah, arah bola akan ….
      a. melambung b. mendatar c. menyusur tanah
14. Tempat masuknya bola dalam permainan sepak bola disebut…..
      a. ring b. net c. gawang
15. Gerakan turun naik anak tangga adalah bentuk latihan peningkatan kekuatan…..
      a. otot punggung b. otot pinggang c. otot kaki

II. Jawablah titik-titik di bawah ini dengan singkat dan jelas !
1. Sebutkan 3 teknik dalam permainan bola volly!
2. Agar bola tidak memantul pada saat menghentikan bola pada permainan sepak bola, kaki ditarik   kearah….
3. Rumah sehat harus mempunyai……
4. Sebutkan 2 penyakit yang disebabkan tidak mencuci tangan sebelum makan!
5. sebutkan 3 teknik dalam permainan sepak bola!