Wednesday 17 October 2012


Understanding About Pencak Silat

Abdus gratefully say martial arts is a beauty with dodge step motion included the comedy element of the movement.
Mr. Wongsonegara, IPSI chairman who first said that martial arts is a martial strike movement, a rhythmic taridan with a certain politeness adaptation rules that can pertunjukandi public.
Imam koesopangat, Pencak Silat is a martial motion unopposed, while the nature of the martial arts should not be contested.
Maryono concluded that the criteria for distinguishing the meaning "of the meaning of martial arts" is whether a motion should be displayed or not.
PB.IPSI and Bakin in 1975 mendepinisikan martial arts is the result of human culture utuk Indonesian nation and defend the existence and integrity.
Kata and martial arts are equally implies spirituality, rhythm, beauty, and tips and practice.
B. Aspects of martial arts
a. Aspects of a single entity, martial arts in one aspect of unity is reflected in the arms symbol trident at IPSI, the third tip of the trident describe elements of martial arts and sports, while the handle represents the spiritual element.
b. Spiritual aspect, the mental aspect of martial arts spiitual focuses on the formation of attitudes and personality character fighter who according to the philosophy of noble character. Its purpose is to strengthen the human instinct to defend itself from threats and hazards
c. Aspects of the art, martial arts is a manifestation of culture in the form of rules of motion and rhythm, so perwujudanya were emphasized at:
- Realization of harmony
- Realization of the balance
- Realization of harmony between wiraga and
- Realization of harmony and wirasa wirama
Of the four aspects above may underlie the development of martial arts into four objectives yatu:
1. mental, spiritual martial arts
2. Pencak silat martial
3. Pencak silat arts
4. Pencak silat sports
C. The benefits of martial arts
The benefits of martial arts, among others:
1. martial arts as education,
Is part of the culture of Indonesia is worth sublime. Luhurnya values ​​as follows:
- Indonesian culture as the origin and coraknya
- Philosophy of noble character as the soul and source of motivation users.
- Mental, spiritual guidance or noble character, martial arts and sports.
2. Pencak silat as a physical education
Pencak silat is essentially physical activities contained therein olahragadan aspects of physical education is a vehicle that has a specific purpose. The objectives are:
- Aim to achieve health
- Recreational purposes
- Goal achievement.
3. The scope of martial arts
The scope includes the martial arts techniques of attitude and movement, interdependent, mutually supportive functionally according to a specific pattern. According to the IPSI th General Assembly, 1994, consists of four things as a whole, namely:

pairs attitude, attitude is the attitude tide alert for attacks and tactical defense.
Step movement, step movement is a movement technique or change the position with mental alertness and senses optimally to gain a favorable position in order toward or away from the opponent.
Attack, the attack is to attack the opponent with a calculated so as not melest time attack. The attack on the two-that is, attacks with arms and legs to attack.
Defense, defense is the attitude of readiness to defend himself or dodgery of the opponent's attack, defense technically done in an effort to get out of the opponent's attack. The technique is, parry, and dodge.
1. The basic concept of assault
The attack is divided by a limb that is used as a tool to attack:
A. Attacks arm
The attack is sserangan arm using arm called the blow, which forms
1. Attacks hands
a. Attack front cover;
- Guess, blow with the palm of the hand
- Boxing, hand punch to the head
- Push, blow debgan both hands
- Shove, hit with the tip of your fingers
- The pendulum, swinging blow with the fist
b. Attack from below the arms, corrected, pendulum / vise, plug / pin.
c. Hand strikes from above, include:
- Mash, which is a blow to the head hands
- Sword, which is a blow to the side of the palm of the hand
- Guess what, that is a blow to the palm of your hand
d. Hand attack from the side, include:
- Sword, which pukulang with the palms
- Slap, ie blow with the palm of your hand
- The pendulum, which blow with a fist
- Kepret, ie blow with the back of his hand
2. Elbow attack
Attacks elbow can be distinguished by the direction of his path, including:
- Elbow front
- Elbow oblique
- Elbow rear upper and lower
B. Attack Limbs
Based on the distance from the target position to the opponent, the attack is divided into two legs, commonly called a kick attack from knee attacks commonly called lututan.
a. Attack the foot, can Tendangn dibedakn into 4 kinds, namely front kick (straight), next (T), arc (sickle), from behind
- Front kick, using the base of the toes.
- Side kick, with the soles of the feet
- Kick the bow, with the base of the finger / back foot
- Kick back, with lumit feet.
b. Attacks knee, Under the direction trajectory knee attacks can be divided into two forms, namely:
- Attack the knees down, the path from bottom to top
- Attack the knee side, the path of the side
1.Konsep basic
Basically defending is issuing body or limb of our trajectory toward the opponent's attack or distract / membindahkan swrangan not opposed to the body
2. basic defense
On the form is divided into three, namely:
a. avoidance
b. dodgery
c. defense
3. advanced defense
Usually begins with dodgery techniques, blocks and sometimes with preliminary motion and sequential movements. Advanced defense consists of catchment, falling, loose and lock.
a. The catch is defense by capturing the arms or legs of an opponent's attack to keep the next attack.

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